The Luca Varini Agricultural Company was born with the great ambition of producing high-quality Extra Virgin Olive Oils.
The absolute pursuit of excellence is our working philosophy, pursued without any compromises. We pay attention to every single phase of the production process, taking care of the details.
It’s Tuscan! Our extra virgin oils are produced with typically Tuscan olive varieties: Leccino, Moraiolo, Maurino, and Frantoio (our centuries-old plants). Our selection of extra virgins consists of 6 labels, including 3 blends and 3 single-variety oils in purity, so they can be best paired in the kitchen.
Our production is certified with the IGP mark, and we firmly believe in the quality of Made in Italy. Every single effort of ours is aimed at achieving excellence. Our Extra Virgin oils are the result of combining the concepts of excellence, selection, and terroir; three indispensable secrets in the production of high-quality agri-food products. It is a great satisfaction for our company to seek excellence… and it is a moral obligation for everyone to demand it on their own tables!